In case you have not heard it by now: Checkers is solved. A perfect play of both sides will always lead to a draw. Checkers is the most complex game at the moment that is solved. Have a look at Chinook for a detailed description of the project. It took them 24 years to calculate all 5 * 10^20 possibilities in a legal game.
So checkers solved, chess dominated by computers and backgammon as well. If you are looking for a game where computers do not stand a chance against a decent human you should head straight to Go. There are 4.7 * 10^170 positions possible in Go whereas chess "only" has 10^43. And because computers are still calculating each and every move - more or less - they got to much to do. Humans just have a better "feeling" for a situation - if trained well.
Well i guess in another 30 years or even less chess will be solved as well. And maybe someday Go might fall - but by this time we will all be living inside the matrix anyway.
By "it is solved", it does not mean "it is dead" or "it lost interest".
You will be bored to play checkers only if you play against chinok. Two humans can (and will always) have a lot of fun, because nobody can memorize the "prove" chinok did.
The same to chess!
Hi Beco!
Yes, of course. Nobody is going to play a perfect game of checkers just because a computer solved it. As long as you are playing against a human all these games will always be fun. In the end that is what these games are made for. And thank god you can configure computer so they do not always play the best move ;-)
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